'81% of 16 to 19 year-old girls find shopping an enjoyable day out, compared with only 43% of boys in this age group'- Key notes.co.uk
In addition to this statement males are scientifically referenced to be recently buyers, their brains focus on the most recent advertisement or a product that they have used before. Therefore, they are less likely to to spend less time in choosing a product than a female. In comparison to females whom are referred to primary buyers, meaning that their brains focus on the first advertisement rather than last and spend more time choosing a product to ensure that they are purchasing something that will cater to their needs. This could be suggest that women are emotive buyers and men are efficient buyers.
Emotive buying is mainly controlled by the Parietal Cortex, which is most likely to be more dominant in the female brain. The female brain is contracted by emotions and will purchase a product on the base of how it makes them feel, satisfies their needs or others.
In addition to this,Solomon, states how depending on the product and the consumer's personality and their mood effects their perception on advertisements and buying.
' When consumers hear happy music or watch happy programmes, they have more positive reactions to commercials and products, especially when marketing appeals are aimed at arousing emotional reactions.' - Michael R. Solomon
The stimulation of advertising encourages both male and female, however, to focus on your target demographic marketers need attract the gender's emotive decision.
For example, men advertisements are simplistic and follow a basic print layout ( having the product centred in the middle rather than of the page). This is due to the male's mind lack of commitment to develop a story from the ad and would rather have a product that has a dominant persona.
In contrast to women, whose brain have a creative and emotional aspect to advertising.
In conclusion, Men prefer a simplistic form of advertising and shopping experience in contrast to females who's behaviour is stimulated by creativity and chaotic advertising and shopping experience.
' When consumers hear happy music or watch happy programmes, they have more positive reactions to commercials and products, especially when marketing appeals are aimed at arousing emotional reactions.' - Michael R. Solomon
The stimulation of advertising encourages both male and female, however, to focus on your target demographic marketers need attract the gender's emotive decision.
For example, men advertisements are simplistic and follow a basic print layout ( having the product centred in the middle rather than of the page). This is due to the male's mind lack of commitment to develop a story from the ad and would rather have a product that has a dominant persona.
In conclusion, Men prefer a simplistic form of advertising and shopping experience in contrast to females who's behaviour is stimulated by creativity and chaotic advertising and shopping experience.