Leading up to uni is a stressful and nerve wracking process, but nothing can prepare yourself to the awkward moments after you have fully moved in. Especially when your shy and reserved person like myself ( well after an hour or so). Anyway going back to the shy glances and checking out your future flat mates who you desperately want to get along with, which I can honestly say is the longest moment of your life!
With my mum gone and ringing me every five minutes crying claiming she misses me already ( to be fair I was feeling the same but not as emotional as her) I made a trip to the kitchen to check if anyone was there. To my disappointment no one had quite manage to get there yet, resulting for myself to take the trip several times to get a glass of orange juice which I really didn't want. A litre of orange juice later I could hear multiple door slams and mumble of voices. With a deep breathe and thought 'here we go' I opened the door to the hall way and found a bunch of excited and fidgety people. Everyone did the cringe worthy hand wave although we was less than a metre apart and began to converse. I noticed there were three boys and three girls, which in my mind was brilliant as no one likes to be out numbered. However, the conversations were to say the least limited ' where you from', 'What course you doing?' and 'oh really? how long did it take you to get here?' followed by a few seconds of silence and the smile you just give when you don't know what to do next.
But nothing prepared any of us when one of the male flat mates, Andrew began to talk. Origin from Wales and a love for rugby this guy can talk as fast as train and when he asked questions we just looked at each other in silence, it was painful! but somehow one of the girls, Robyn processed the sentence and bursted into laughter ' sorry mate, I'm doing management you?' everyone just roared with laughter and apologised that with thought he said what are you with your cars then? that was the start of a beautiful friendship between the six of us. I could not ask for better house mate although I personally become a common victim for being an Essex girl! which lead to prank involving me being locked into my room! as you can see above.
So far the experience has been immense and I looked forward to keep you updated on the recent antics of Green Flat 0..or as we like to call it ground 0.